Saturday, April 2, 2011

Baby Nari Hip Hugger

Baby Hip Hugger by Baby Nari

I have been wanting one of these since I first heard about it on a mommy blog review/giveaway several weeks ago.

My two year old still constantly wants to be held. In the middle of our walks not only have to carry him but drag the stroller too! I've gotten to the point where I just leave the stroller at home and plan on carrying him (as you can imagine our walks are very short).

I was so close to dropping the $79 on this last week on one but decided to wait till a giveaway I entered ended before I bought anything and boy am I glad I did! (No, I didn't win) But! Right now they're HALF OFF at Baby Half Off (TODAY ONLY)!

Still I have to admit it was not easy spending $46.79 on a "fanny pack." Anybody who knows me knows I'm cheap. But since I just sold a bunch of old cloth diapers and a few new ones I never used on craigslist for $65 total so I gave frugal myself permission to splurge! It's a good trade in my head!

If this is really all it's cracked up to be it will be a huge life saver for my back. Since my accident three and a half years ago I still have residual pain/problems. And though my back burns and throbs at times I would never say no to my baby wanting to "HugMamaHugMamaHugMama!" And so I lug him around... Hopefully this will help!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Liver and Onions

While the cat's away the mice will play...

One thing Biggy and I never seem to be able to do is see eye to eye on food. Being the all American boy he is, Biggy loves SAD (Standard American Diet) food. I do too, but don't tell him I said that.

But who doesn't like junk food? I admit junk food is yummy but on the other hand I really hate the way I feel after I eat it. I get tired and lethargic, basically I just feel gross. I'll be the first to admit I eat a little differently and I can't blame my husband wanting to eat what he likes either. But when it's up to him we eat way too much pizza! Since my darling husband has been out of town I have eaten a lot less goodies and white flour, and I am pleasantly surprised with how much energy I have gained. (I've noticed the difference shakin it in Zumba class).

Tonight I made liver and onions. Something that may sound a little gross to some people. But it is one of my favorite foods. I got Giovanni to take a few bites of liver but mostly he enjoyed slurping up caramelized onions like they were spaghetti.

My diet is continuously evolving. I like to think of it now as moving backward in a sense, becoming more indigenous. The way it used to be before all of these modern conveniences. And it is far from convenient, although I do use a lot of modern appliances to help me out. For instance I grind my flour fresh, soak it and/or sour it before baking it. I've recently started soaking my nuts and then dehydrating them before chowing down. I slow cook bones into broth before making soups from scratch. And I often sprout my legumes over the course of a few days before making a nice pot of beans. All of these practices improve the health benefits of my food and though it is time consuming and requires some planning it's new and adventurous which makes it fun.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dr Marsden

With Biggy being gone this week I have been a total slacker. I could not believe my eyes yesterday when I walked by the calender and noticed that I forgot my son's doctor's appointment the day before. I had made that appointment almost 8 weeks ago! His doctor, Dr. Marsden is awesome and because he is so great it is almost impossible to see him without booking it way in advance. Forget about when your kid is sick and you need a visit right away! Last week when Giovanni was throwing up uncontrollably we had to see Dr. Walker.

I called Red Rock Pediatrics to try to somehow finagle a doctor's visit without an appointment but the secretary on the phone was firm and said that the earliest appointment for Dr. Marsden would be in May. But I was persistent and she finally said I could see the nurse practitioner today but that was about it, since it was only a well child check up. But I said, "Please, I really want to be able to see his doctor since he was in the hospital last week." I must have said some magic words because suddenly a 2:20 pm window became available. I took it! And I was not late!

I love Dr. Marsden, he is really good with Giovanni (and me! I get so anxious about going to the doctor). He makes the visits feel really comfortable, he's funny and sensitive which makes it really easy. He said that Giovanni height now can be doubled to estimate what his height as an adult might be and that he would be about 5'9"-5'10" (Biggy is 5'9"). So that was neat.

He asked me if Giovanni can run, jump, throw a ball overhand. Yes, yes, and yes, even while he's sick! And then he asked me, "How many words does he say?" I told him I didn't know... but then couldn't help but brag that he's an excellent talker and uses 3 and 4+ word sentences and knows most of his ABCs and their sounds. "That's very advanced for a boy," he commented. I told him that I had heard that 30 words at two is normal and he said that he looks for 50-100 words and 2 word sentences at two. This surprised me. My son is probably in the 100-200 word range, and growing. I think he is brilliant and not just because I'm his mother. Well maybe that has something to do with it... I'm so proud of my little Giovanni, he brings me so much joy.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Icabod bite you

Here's a funny story on Giovanni.

You know the Dr. Suess ABC book? (I love this book)

Big I
Little i
What begins with I?
Icabod is itchy, so am I.

Last night at bedtime Giovanni said, "Icabod bite you."
Then he grabbed his diaper and pulled down on it, "Icabod is in dare,"

He hasn't been wearing a diaper very much lately since we've been potty training so when he peed he felt a little uncomfortable and itchy.

"Are you itchy?" I asked.

"Yes, Icabod is itchy in dare."

After a good laugh I got a new bedtime diaper and changed him.
"Icabod go bye-bye."

Ahhh... Much better.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

worst. day. ever.

It began at midnight... the gaging, the dry heaving and the puking.

Giovanni spent the rest of the night (and/or morning) waking up to this pattern, with no other symptoms. When I would give him a little something to drink he would thirstily gulp a little down then a moment later to several minutes later he would gag and throw up and repeat until there was nothing left. Biggy's dad came over and the two of them gave him a priesthood blessing.

We thought it might have been because I accidentally bumped his neck in the night or maybe connected to a goose egg on the head from day before and concerned we called and made a doctors appointment. The doctor didn't think it was related to either, she thought it might be a bug but made follow up arrangements at the hospital since he was still even in her office throwing up every little sip of liquid he drank.

They were planning on giving him an IV and terrified I called Biggy's parents for support, they are both experienced nurses. My own mother and Rossi were watching Cali and Jersey Rain for me when I went to the doctor and then the hospital.

My poor baby boy had to get poked twice which was horrifying for me (I hate needles!) but he was such a big boy and didn't even cry or jerk. They put on a numbing cream beforehand and it was quite effective, something I will have to remember the next time I might need and IV.

We stayed in the hospital another hour and all the tests they ran turned out well and he recovered rapidly after the IV, he even nursed a little (without gagging) and took a little nap. The whole ordeal from the doctor's office to the hospital lasted about 5 hours and I have been up since midnight cleaning up vomit, so needless to say this has been a very long day.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Date Night Disaster

Yesterday I lost my phone, today it was my wallet, next it will be my mind.

I cannot believe how disorganized I forgetful I am! I am constantly loosing my cell phone, which reminds me... where is my phone?

I somehow left it in the side pocket of Giovanni's car seat last night and this was just after I finally found it hiding in a coat pocket under a wad of laundry on my bed the very same day.

I needed my phone this morning to call my mom and make sure she got her Bountiful Basket alright. Come to find out she had her own fiasco this morning with BB and couldn't get ahold of me to straighten it out.

When she went to pick up her basket she wasn't on the list, it was under my name because I ordered for her, but this slipped her mind as everyone was telling her she must be at the wrong location so she and my dad were going to drive clear out to Dixie Commons. On the way my mom said to turn around and go back because it simply didn't not make sense plus she new they'd never make it in time. On the way back it dawned on her that it would be under my name and she made it there just as they were cleaning up. My neighbor and friend is actually in charge of that site and was really sweet. She was just about to deliver it to my house.

I felt so bad but the end my mom got it figured out. It just goes to show the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Bad luck must be ingrained in our DNA.

How do I always manage to find myself in a crisis? I don't know.

This morning when we were just abou to leave for the Bounce House I could not find our free pass card we bought, it has like 7 unused passes on it. But [just my luck] I might have, maybe, probably, accidentally recycled it and we had to pay.

And then on our date tonight I managed to loose my wallet. Was it under my seat in the theater? No. Was it in the bathroom stall? No. Did someone turn it in? Nope, not in the lost and found. How about the restaurant? Not in the lost and found there either. Was it at our table? No. Wait... let me double check before I go search the parking lot. Oh there it is! I didn't see it at first. Then we had to dash over to get Giovanni from Grandma's house because it was already 9:40. But I can't help but bring bad karma where ever I go and so of course we were out of gas.

But I married one of the luckiest people I know who can attract just about anything he wants and we made to the gas station, filled up [almost] without a hitch [because I tried to help], made it home and now little Sweetums is sound asleep.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cupcake Update

So I found out later the Giovanni had raided the cupcakes last night while I was at the gym and so there are actually 147 instead of 149 but whose counting anyway right?

Frosting went well today. I only cried once and only had to make frosting twice because I was nearly done and ran out. But that's behind us now and they are done! Hooray! And they look edible don't they? Although the frosting did turn out a little on the salty side. Leave it to me to mess up a 3 ingredient recipe again! LOL

My husband always looking on the bright side said, "Well, then the Scotts will love it!" Haha, good one Honey. I'm the girl who has to ask for the salt at his parents house while they have to search the cupboards to find it (okay not really, but they use very little salt if any). And I was raised in a house where there are about 3 salt shakers in the middle of the table at all times and 2 by the stove. No exaggeration!

But I'm glad we can make light of the situation, I can be so melodramatic sometimes.
Now if I never see another cupcake again it will be too soon. ;)

Need a Yellow Wipey!

This morning when he woke up Giovanni snuggled on the couch with me and buried his face into my tee shirt. When he lifted his head he found a slobber spot the size of a quarter and exclaimed "Yucky! Need a wipey, Mamma"

"Uh-oh, is it slobber?"

"No-o... Boogers! Need a yellow wipey!"

Luckily just above my head on the arm of the couch was a yellow cloth wipe and he used it to wipe the "boogers" then he put it on my head and called it a hat.

Then he jumped up and went to his toys and brought me back a "doughnut" (it was really a matchbox car) wrapped up in the same yellow hankie.

What an imagination...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Piece of [cup]cake?

In my experience I have learned that whatever can go wrong... will go wrong.
And today was no exception.

I needed to make a bajillion cupcakes, (okay not that many, maybe like 150) and so I did what any sane human being would do and made it easy. I bought 7 cake mixes instead of trying to make from scratch (I did that once, lived and learned) and enlisted me sister for help.

I rounded up some cupcake pans from a couple of conveniently located friends and I thought what could go wrong? I had everything I needed... Oh wait! I forgot the eggs. Ran to the store.

Once my little Huggy boy went down for a nap I got to work. I started mixing and before I had my first batch baked my sister called, "I'm done! Want me to do anymore?" I opened the oven and to my horror discovered these weren't cupcakes! These were monsters! "Do I need to run to the store?" she asked.

How can anyone mess up a cake mix recipe from a box?

Well for the record I got a little confused by the two different directions on the back (one was for egg whites only and one for whole eggs which calls for more water). Somehow I apparently blended the two directions together and added extra eggs but not enough water. I ended up with cupcakes that looked more like muffins (still good! I can work with that) but fewer cupcakes too! Then I ran out of cupcake liners, but I saw Biggy outside...

"Honey! Oh, Honey! Could you run to the store? Thanks!"

I should have ended up with 96 but only came out with 80 and no we did not eat the difference. Kelsey had 69 (a few were sacrificed for quality assurance). That made 149 total. With all my "careful" planning I was hoping to come out on top with extra but what's one missing cupcake, right?

I'll let you know how frosting goes tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We have a little joke in our family to say, "Hug Mama!" 3 times fast. This is my "emergency call" for Giovanni. All day long he insists on hugs from mama and daddy. Although it is heart warming, I'll admit it can be exhausting at times when your arms are elbow deep in dishwater and you've got a two year old with his arms wrapped around your leg insisting on being held, shouting, "Hug Mama! Hug Mama! Hug Mama!"

Like most toddlers he gets plenty of bonks, bumps and bruises which (each and everyone no matter how small) must be made better with a kiss and a hug. Yes, this is very common toddler behavior but before I had a child of my own I have never had the privilege of feeling so special and important, that a simple kiss or hug could be so powerful. They make it "all better."

Notorious for his hugging ways, Giovanni earned the nick-name, Huggy when he was very small. Not only does he enjoy being held (all the time) but he also loves hugging games. What is a hugging game? Good question. Giovanni thinks it's fun to free fall into with his arms stretched out and fall into my arms for a big hug. He loves hugging his lovies, especially the more softy ones. And who could forget hugs for Grandma and Papa? I know Giovanni never does! And he doesn't forget Daddy, either.

When he doesn't want to go to bed at night, it's "Hug Daddy!" We co-sleep or in other words Giovanni sleeps in our bed, so we basically snuggle all night long. Giovanni has always lived a life of close physical contact. I was the breastfeeding, babywearing Mama. I actually still nurse a little (I'm a closet nurser, feel privileged the two of you that read this, Amberly and Brittany!)

Well I guess I'm out of the closet now but it is a little embarrassing in a culture where it is almost taboo to nurse a toddler, I have seen several movies making fun of this lately and though Biggy laughs hysterically I cannot help but feel out of place. Most of my friends have not made it past the first 3 months, so I do feel very unusual but I just read an article the other day that the average age around the world to stop nursing is 4 years old, so that's comforting. Although I feel pressure to quit from Biggy, living in a place where I'm a weirdo and simple convenience it's just not the right time yet. Giovanni is still my baby and it's not weird to us. I come from a family of big nursers, my mom breastfed me until I was 3 years old. My sister nursed her two children beyond a year. I feel closely connected to my son, he's my little Huggy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I am Mortified!

I don't know if I can ever show my face there again!

I had the absolute most mortifying experience today at the library. My sweet cheeked potty training two year old ran off for a minute while I was grabbing some books and as I was looking for him I heard this cry, "Help me, Mama." I found him in the very back corner with a very worried expression on his face. As I picked him up I felt his pants were wet and when I looked down I saw his shoe was caked with poop. He had an accident. And there was poop on the floor! All I had with me was just a grocery bag in my pocket so I quickly yanked off his shoe and stuffed everything in the bag just as he was beginning to cry, then I dropped my books and rushed out of there as fast I as I could, bag of hot poop in hand. In my hurry think I left my brain behind. I simply could not think rationally, I was so embarrassed and Huggy cried the whole two block walk home. After I got Giovanni all cleaned up and down for a nap I called my mom and told her what happened. I was so racked with guilt for not finding a librarian and notifying them of what happened before dashing out of there I needed some direction. She laughed at me and told me how irresponsible I was for leaving the scene of the crime and that I needed to make it right. She was right and I knew that but for some reason (humiliation?) I needed to laugh about it with someone first before I could confront it. So I called the library and talked to a sweet woman who let me know that "it's okay" and "these things happen" and "we'll take care of it." She was so nice, I still feel horrible but not as bad now.

Friday, February 25, 2011


My awesome friend, Brittany has a Silhouhette and a Cricket and has been making some really great projects with her new toys and it has got my creative juices flowing. She was lucky enough to win her Silhouhette from a blog giveaway and it has given hope that I might be able to win one too. Someone's gotta win right? :) I'll keep my fingers crossed. I've entered to win at My Repurposed Life, Vintage Revivals, and DIY Showoff

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Little "First Born"

My son has this ingenious way of playing, he has fun organizing and creating order. Of course that doesn't mean he isn't an expert at making a big old fashion mess. Even though he has his favorites he still cannot resist the urge to get everything out. "Dump it, Mama!"

Here he is sucking boogers out of his beloved dog Maxy's nose next to his orderly row of matchbox cars:
Giovanni was enjoying being the one behind the bulb syringe.
Everyone piled in the carriage and a truck that fit very precisely on top.
Maxy must have had to go to the bathroom.
Today I gave my fridge a much needed scrub down and as I was emptying everything out and shoving it all in a mass conglomeration in the middle of our little kitchen Giovanni was busy lining all the glass jars and a nice orderly fashion.

After reading the Birth Order Book by Dr. Kevin Leman it gave me a must better understanding of why my little first born son is the way he is. He has many first born qualities, he is ambitious, independent, in charge, loves helping, strong willed, and always right. If he were to point to that green car and call it red and I were to say, "Green." he would respond with a resounding, "Nope! ... Red."

Giovanni thinks he is a little adult he likes to do everything he sees his parents doing. If I am in the kitchen cooking he pulls up his own chair and works right along beside me. He likes to lead in fun and games, pick out the stories he wants to read, and tell me what he will and will not wear.

I feel blessed to have been introduced to the difference birth order makes on personality. It has given me the okay to take a step back and let Giovanni do his own thing. My goal is to instill confidence in him and to guide him toward excellence instead of OCD perfectionism and nurture leadership qualities because being number one makes him a born leader.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

This year Huggy and I made Valentines cards for the ones we love most. They turned out so cute!

So here is my first tutorial ever! I simply picked out an adorable picture of Giovanni and made a double fold card using Publisher. Since I don't have a colored printer right now we just colored in the message: "Be My Funny Valentine" using crayons, then I glued on half a red wooden bead for a clown nose and Giovanni drew pictures inside each one for a final and personal touch. I cut the beads in half using a kitchen knife over a cutting board, it was really easy and glued them on using tacky glue which dried fast and worked really well.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dapper Snapper

Awesome find alert: The Dapper Snapper belt looks so amazing! Giovanni is sort of in-between sizes right now. He just turned two but he's a little small and average height so his pants never fit! And he is often coming to me crying, "Mama! Pants!" (translation: he needs he pants pulled up). He's too small for a belt that buckles in the front and we are really close to potty training (fingers crossed) so a traditional belt is out of the question. I love how the Dapper Snapper cinches up the pants in the back! Completely eliminating a cumbersome buckle. This product would be the perfect solution for my little tyke's saggy bottom woes. I really hope I win one! I've entered a few giveaways... Frugal Family Fun and Frugalicious Mommy!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Florabella Giveaway

I have been oogaling over these photoshop actions ever since I saw them featured on Joyfolie. I'm not much of a photographer so it's hard to justify the $40+ expense but right now Florabella is having a giveaway and I really hope I win!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Potty Training

Had a fabulously busy week! Could not have made it through without my amazing BFF. Thanks, Hunny!

We have bordered the potty training train and it is a bumpy ride full of ups and downs. It's sometimes a little scary, like today when I heard the potty singing in the living room from the kitchen at my sister's house and went to wipe a bum, not only did I find poop in the potty but everywhere around it too and my sister's dog trying to eat it.

But it's really exciting for all of us and Giovanni is doing really well (as long as he is not wearing any pants.) Yesterday we read Once Upon a Potty and Giovanni loved it. He had me read the part of the accident over and over and then skip to the part where he gets it in the potty and we "oohed" and "awed" over that again and again. Some days are better than others but I feel optimistic. :)

We got a ton of whipping cream today so I made butter. I want to make pancakes in the morning so I can put bananas and whipping cream on top. I gave a bunch to my neighbor who will be making ice cream and who just told me some exciting news, she's expecting.

Giovanni's Daddy put him to bed for the first (intentional) time tonight! Yay! I'm not sure how or when I can get Giovanni to sleep in his own bed. My friend says she still has trouble with her attached 16 year old son.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Snow Day

Yesterday morning, when we stepped outside to let the dog out we found a nice little surprise, snow. This is a big deal for a little desert town, so of course we layered up and went outside to play in it.

Giovanni couldn't quite put his arms down for so many layers! I felt like the mother in A Christmas Story who stuffed her son in so many layers his arms stuck out and he could barely walk and when he fell over in the snow he couldn't get up so Ralphy had to come help him.

Daddy started building a snowman. Giovanni was watching with this arms stuck out.

Giovanni looked very pleased with his snowball.

Giovanni helped build the snowman.Carrot for a nose, stones for eyes and teeth.

Giovanni was so pleased with his new friend, he gave him a big hug.We went across the street and helped our neighbors with their snowmen.

The snow was so enticing Giovanni decided to taste it and found a leaf.

Giovanni pulled the carrot-nose off the snowman's face and played it like a flute.
Giovanni loved his snowman so much he gave him a snowball heart.