Monday, March 21, 2011

Icabod bite you

Here's a funny story on Giovanni.

You know the Dr. Suess ABC book? (I love this book)

Big I
Little i
What begins with I?
Icabod is itchy, so am I.

Last night at bedtime Giovanni said, "Icabod bite you."
Then he grabbed his diaper and pulled down on it, "Icabod is in dare,"

He hasn't been wearing a diaper very much lately since we've been potty training so when he peed he felt a little uncomfortable and itchy.

"Are you itchy?" I asked.

"Yes, Icabod is itchy in dare."

After a good laugh I got a new bedtime diaper and changed him.
"Icabod go bye-bye."

Ahhh... Much better.

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