Joking aside, I have wanted to start a blog for a really long time. In fact I set up my blog site shortly after Giovanni was born with all sorts of good intentions of journaling online, but every time I opened it up I would just become overwhelmed at the thought of writing something someone else might read. Well it's been about a year and half (Giovanni is 18 months old) and I haven't gotten over my fears but my curiosity to blog has only gotten stronger, and I've been wanting blog a funny story on Giovanni for over a month!
On the way up to Salt Lake City to spend 4th of July weekend with Thann's family, Giovanni was looking at a picture book of animals and I was showing him some of the ASL signs for the animals that I knew and making animals noises. We saw a spider and I signed and said spider and he pointed to it and said "Bug!" Then I pointed to a lime green python all coiled up and signed a slithering snake as I said "Ssssssnake," and tickled him with the fangs of the snake, he giggled so I did it again and again. When we came to the cat page I started meowing and pulling at invisible whiskers on my cheek and Giovanni just stared at the page. There were many different kinds of cats pictured, including one of those "hairless" Sphinx cats. Giovanni stared at the strange looking cat for a long time then pointed to it and said "Dis?" Meaning, "What's this?" I told him that it was a cat and he looked at it again and then he looked at the other furry cats pictured around it, then he pointed to the naked, alien looking cat again and with a very concerned look on his face said, "Uh-Oh."
I laughed so hard, Biggy turned around and wanted to know what was so funny. We all had a good laugh about it and told Biggy's family later. Giovanni's so much fun, everything he does just tickles me to death. And so as I start to blog, he will be all I can talk about, and that's something I don't mind sharing. :)

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