Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sleep Fighting

Giovanni did not want to go to bed tonight, he kept whimpering for his daddy so I finally went and got Biggy and just as soon as Giovanni laid his sweet little head down on his daddy chest he was asleep. It was so sweet. 

Biggy has always voiced concern that I coddle our son too much to the point where he fears the poor boy won't ever be able to get to sleep without the help of his mommy. We co-sleep with our son, much to Biggy's chagrin but I love being close to Giovanni, I sleep easier. I feel like he's a part of me. 

When Giovanni was a newborn I would just peek over his bassinet and watch him sleep. I was so worried about not being able to be there for him if he needed me. He eventually outgrew his bassinet and moved into our bed even though we had a crib right up against the bed.
As he grows, I see Giovanni becoming more of his own person and less dependent on me. It's exciting to see his personality take shape and I got some satisfaction out of Biggy indulging Giovanni the way he always gets after me for. 

Last night Giovanni decided he didn't want me to put him to bed either and he curled up on the floor with his pillow and blanket and fell asleep while his daddy and I watched a boring romantic comedy. I wonder if he will be ready for his own bed soon. 

1 comment:

  1. That's cute. Good thing you cleaned out that second bedroom! :)
