We had a fun filled Halloween and Giovanni actually wore his adorable owl costume I made him (it only took a little bribing is all). We were so exhausted by the time it was actually Halloween (Sunday) we were so over it!
We started trick or treating at Dixie Middle School where Giovanni saw a scary witch! Pumpkins, witches and ghosts and some of the "Carewee Tings" he's kept an eye out for this season. Then we went trick or treating around Kelsey's office, all the ladies gushed over how cute Giovanni was and he was starting to get the hang of this trick or treating thing.
We had planned squeeze in a visit right before nap time to my aunt Marsha with Sky and her girls next but Giovanni passed out on the couch in a heap.
But after nap we hurried over for a quick visit while the girls were still there. Emma dressed up as a vampire and Ashley was another owl. I made her hat too. Sky tried to get me to make her costume too but after Giovanni's costume I was done cutting and sewing tiny little feathers so I handed her my sewing machine instead and she actually did most of the work (I only helped a little). And Moose helped cut out feathers, it turned out fabulous.
And that was Friday's festivities. On Saturday we didn't get ready until that last minute, I had been busy starting pickles and getting supplies for more pickles since we got 48 lbs. of pickling cucumbers that morning in our Bountiful Basket. When Moose and the girls showed up (poor Sky was home sick), we headed up to the church for some chili dogs and trunk-or-treat.
Since we were so early and already finished with our food we decided to go bring the kids by my parents house before the trunking began. Only Papa was home and he suggested we pop into the hospital across the street and see Jack.
Poor Jack is recovering from a heart attack that almost killed him. His leg had to be amputated and he has had several surgeries to save the other one. It's a miracle and a blessing he is doing so well. Seeing the kids in their Halloween costumes was a nice treat for him and for us too.
We barely made it back for the end of our trunk-or-treat, Giovanni, Emma and Ash only got a small handful of candy each as most trunks were out of treats by this time. So Moose and the girls went to do some old fashioned door to door trick-or-treating and Biggy, Giovanni and I had to head over to the other grands so they could see Giovanni too.
On the way out my mom stopped by our house because she missed Giovanni when we came by.
Dorothy was dressed as Dorothy (pun intended) and Biggy thought it would be funny to put on a suit coat with his street clothes and pose as her husband Dave.
It was way too much fun crammed into one small evening and by Sunday morning for us Halloween was a thing of the past.
Cute costumes!