I have been wanting one of these since I first heard about it on a mommy blog review/giveaway several weeks ago.
My two year old still constantly wants to be held. In the middle of our walks not only have to carry him but drag the stroller too! I've gotten to the point where I just leave the stroller at home and plan on carrying him (as you can imagine our walks are very short).
I was so close to dropping the $79 on this last week on one but decided to wait till a giveaway I entered ended before I bought anything and boy am I glad I did! (No, I didn't win) But! Right now they're HALF OFF at Baby Half Off (TODAY ONLY)!
Still I have to admit it was not easy spending $46.79 on a "fanny pack." Anybody who knows me knows I'm cheap. But since I just sold a bunch of old cloth diapers and a few new ones I never used on craigslist for $65 total so I gave frugal myself permission to splurge! It's a good trade in my head!