We have a little joke in our family to say, "Hug Mama!" 3 times fast. This is my "emergency call" for Giovanni. All day long he insists on hugs from mama and daddy. Although it is heart warming, I'll admit it can be exhausting at times when your arms are elbow deep in dishwater and you've got a two year old with his arms wrapped around your leg insisting on being held, shouting, "Hug Mama! Hug Mama! Hug Mama!"
Like most toddlers he gets plenty of bonks, bumps and bruises which (each and everyone no matter how small) must be made better with a kiss and a hug. Yes, this is very common toddler behavior but before I had a child of my own I have never had the
privilege of feeling so special and important, that a simple kiss or hug could be so powerful. They make it "all better."
Notorious for his hugging ways, Giovanni earned the nick-name, Huggy when he was very small. Not only does he enjoy being held (all the time) but he also loves hugging games. What is a hugging game? Good question. Giovanni thinks it's fun to free fall into with his arms stretched out and fall into my arms for a big hug. He loves hugging his lovies, especially the more softy ones. And who could forget hugs for Grandma and Papa? I know Giovanni never does! And he doesn't forget Daddy, either.
When he doesn't want to go to bed at night, it's "Hug Daddy!" We co-sleep or in other words Giovanni sleeps in our bed, so we basically snuggle all night long. Giovanni has always lived a life of close physical contact. I was the breastfeeding, babywearing Mama. I actually still nurse a little (I'm a closet nurser, feel privileged the two of you that read this, Amberly and Brittany!)

Well I guess I'm out of the closet now but it is a little embarrassing in a culture where it is almost taboo to nurse a toddler, I have seen several movies making fun of this lately and though Biggy laughs hysterically I cannot help but feel out of place. Most of my friends have not made it past the first 3 months, so I do feel very unusual but I just read an article the other day that the average age around the world to stop nursing is 4 years old, so that's comforting. Although I feel pressure to quit from Biggy, living in a place where I'm a weirdo and simple convenience it's just not the right time yet. Giovanni is still my baby and it's not weird to us. I come from a family of big nursers, my mom breastfed me until I was 3 years old. My sister nursed her two children beyond a year. I feel closely connected to my son, he's my little Huggy.