Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I gave Giovanni his favorite snack today, some of what he likes to call "Yoke" but what the rest of us know as yogurt. I gave him a few spoonfuls and then he demanded to feed himself shouting, "Turn! Turn!" After a moment of chowing down he looked up at me a yelled "Amen! Amen! Amen!" It took me a few amens to realize that he was praying.

"Oh. Prayer?" I asked him. And he squinted his brown eyes tightly shut for a second or two before belting out another "Amen!" It was so cute.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Owl Hat

Inspired by Amy's adorable owl hats and Amberly's plush little owl babies on Knot Your Grandma's Guild, I made Giovanni an owl hat. Although it takes some convincing to get him to wear it, it's the cutest thing ever! I am hoping he will wear it for Halloween and dress up as a little Guardian owl from the new movie Legend of the Guardians.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Biggy in Guatemala

I booked Biggy's flight home and I can't wait to see him. I made arrangements for him to fly home on Monday along with with Justin. I can hardly believe it's been over a week since he's been gone.

My entrepreneur of a husband decided to drive a few vehicles all the way to Guatemala to sell. He got wind that they go for a fetching price and decided to make the trek. He enlisted his friend Bronson, who has nothing better to do and no one here to stay for and his other friend Justin, nick-named Eagle for his beautifully bald head who had spent a couple years in Guatemala on a mission to be their translator and guide. Despite all the worrying and bad press my mother tried to instill in me about the dangers of driving through Mexico they made it to Guatemala alive.

We've been missing him but the first couple of nights since he left were the worst. He's been gone since early Thursday morning, August 26.

I can never sleep when Biggy is away, it was always like this when he was trucking. I would stay up until my ached for sleep sometimes until 1 or 2 in the morning. Not very wise if I want to keep up with my wildly rambunctious toddler.

I had decided that I would keep an early bedtime while Biggy was gone this time. Then Friday night 12:30 rolls around and I decided that is was time to make an attempt at sleep, so I closed my laptop and closed my eyes. A few minutes later I heard knocking. I assumed that I was delirious from being so tired and didn't move but listened hard just to make sure I wasn't hearing things. Knock knock knock. There it was again, a little louder this time. I wasn't sure what to do but I decided I better get dressed. Then, BAM BAM BAM. Terrified Giovanni would wake up from the ruckus I slipped out of the bedroom as quietly and as quickly as I could to see what was going on.

I could see stripes of bright light peaking in from the shutters and thought that's odd, I know I didn't leave the porch light on. Without thinking I began unlocking and undead-bolting the door at nearly 1 in the morning. I opened the door and saw a spotlight beaming at me from a police car on the street and there were two skinny police officers in front of me, one I recognized. After the initial surprise I was immediately embarrassed, I had forgotten the dried clay mask spots on my face, treating a few unsightly pimples.

"Sorry to bother you, Michaela. It's me, Travis Willinger, is Biggy home?" Travis is Kellie's best cousin's husband.

"Uh, no. He's in Mexico." My hand shot up to my face at an attempt to hide the green mud spots.

Then Travis asked me if I had heard about the deputy that had been murdered in Fredonia while the other officer pointed his flash light behind me into the house. I never keep up with the news but not wanting to look ignorant I lied and said yes. Travis said that within the perimeter that the police had sealed off in Fredonia, a red 1987 Suzuki Samari appeared a few hours ago and it's registered to John Massaro at this address. Since he knows Biggy, Travis volunteered to come by. I didn't recognize the vehicle he was talking about but it wasn't uncommon for me to never see a vehicle Biggy sold. Unless I drove it, I didn't really have anything to do with it.

I was absolutely terrified. How did this look? A car register to my husband appeared on the scene where the police were searching for a murderer and my husband crossed the Mexican border. At this point I was nervously picking the mud off my face as I began rambling about how I had no idea about this vehicle and tried to explain why Biggy crossed the border in an effort to assure them that he has not fled the country. Even though Biggy couldn't be reached, I gave Travis his cell number and Travis gave me his to give to Biggy when he called.

A few moments after I closed the door and headed for bed, there was another knock. Travis wanted my number too. Too put it lightly I was a little on the frazzled side and very shaken up after the whole thing. The first thing I did was look up the story about the murder. A police officer was shot after pursuing a robber into the desert. The robber got away and was hidden somewhere in the desert.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep easy so I drank down a bitter concoction labeled "Calm" and sent Biggy a pleading email to call me ASAP! My nerves still rattled, I began to read until my eyes were too heavy to hold open.